The court cannot progress a case without information. It is all very well for one parent to make claims abut the inability or problems of the other parent, but the court cannot simply accept that as fact, they need to investigate.

Module Seven considers the different experts which may be called upon to assist the court, the value of their information, the costs associated, and also more importantly, how would you go about challenging their reports.

Experts make mistakes, they can be biased, they can take a dislike to one parent and allow that to cloud their judgment, however the majority are excellent at what they do and bring a fresh perspective to a problem and suggest solutions. The recommendatons should either be followed or challenged.

At the end of this module, you will complete an assessment. When you have completed this, you will be able to access the next module.

The assessment is designed to ensure that you are ready to progress to the next module. If you struggle with any aspect of the course, please ask me for help. If your assessment is below the required level, I will support your learning to fill in any gaps in your knowledge.

What is covered?

This module considers the range of experts typically used and discusses challenging their reports in necessary

This course is closed for enrollment.