First Directions Appointment

When you make an application the court will send you a date for the first hearing known as an FDA. In the same letter they will give a date to exchange the Form E which is a 27 page document listing all of your finances. Care needs to be taken with this form as it must be correct and ther are various questions that may trip you up. When the Form E is exchanged with your ex, there are more documents to complete, a questionnaire, Statement of Issues, Form G and a Chronology.

This service is for help with your Form E only.

Use our guide to help you understand all questions on the form, and refer to the sample provide which will further explain what is required.

This service provides you with a guide, sample Form E and Income needs forms, and templates for both to use in your own case.

Simon Walland

Having been prevented from seeing my own children, and successfully obtaining a court order by representing myself, I became a McKenzie Friend in 2003 and have been in thousands of hearings at all levels of court. I have a Law Degree and was Called to the Bar as a Barrister in 2010.

My experience includes teaching Law Students, McKenzie Friends and anybody representing themselves in the Courts since 2012. I have also provided specialist training courses to Domestic Abuse charities, Universities and various Support Groups

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