Your Statement is your opportunity to provide the court with your 'story' and the evidence to support that what you say is true.
Most people misunderstand evidence and how the court will consider it. The Judge has to make a decision at a Final Hearing. It won't be a maybe, it wont be vague, it will be a yes or no. Only you can get the 'Yes' that you need and so you need to make your Statement work for you and persuade the Judge that you are right and the other side is wrong.
You will know in your heart that they are wrong, but that doesnt help the Judge. You can explain your situation and provide evidence, if it exists, to show that what you say is logical, sensible and the only reasonable explanation.
Judges will judge the witnesses and form opinions of them which you will find out about in their Judgment when they make their order. You want them to beleive you and disbelieve your ex. Your Statement does the majority of the work in that objective.