Position Statements
Write your own Position Statements.
Simon Walland
£ 60
Writing a
Witness Statement
Write your own Statements.
Simon Walland
£ 60
Cross Examination and Evidence
Both of these are crucial in any Final Hearing or Fact Finding Hearing. Learn how to use evidence and cross examination in your case.
Simon Walland
£ 60
Parental Alienation and High Conflict Cases
Two of the worst elements of divorce and separation. Understand them and how to manage them.
Simon Walland
£ 40
Enforcing a Child Arrangements Order (Detailed course)
Explains the process, filling in your application, your supporting Position Statement and presenting yourself in court.
Simon Walland
£ 40
Preparing for Your First Children Case Hearing
Understand how to fully prepare for your first hearing and learn what to anticipate to avoid unnecessary delay and anguish.
Simon Walland
£ 60
Represent yourself in Children Hearings
Understand the full court process and download sample documents.
Simon Walland
£ 40
Can I change my Court Order,
and how?
Court Orders may need updating to reflect the current situation.
Simon Walland
Quick Tip, Can I take my children abroad on holiday?
See where you stand between a holiday and child abduction!
Simon Walland
Dealing with False Allegations
Simon Walland