Your clients will approach you for help in a variety of situations which are causing them distress. In order to help them move forward they will probably need an application to the court and you will need to be able to advise them on the correct application to make.

Module Three will give an overview of the types of application possible and explain what they are and how they work. Further modules will go into detail for the applications, so this is simply to give you a short explanation so that you can understand where to look for specific solutions.

If the wrong application is made it can have catastrophic results or may mean that the client does not get the result that they need. That may mean that the client would need to start from scratch and that will not help your reputation.

At the end of this module, you will complete an assessment. When you have completed this, you will be able to access the next module.

The assessment is designed to ensure that you are ready to progress to the next module. If you struggle with any aspect of the course, please ask me for help. If your assessment is below the required level, I will support your learning to fill in any gaps in your knowledge.

What is covered?

This module covered application that can be made in the following circumstances

  • Children application
  • Financial applications
  • Domestic abuse applications
  • Divorce

It conludes with some general advice on applications

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