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What is a
McKenzie Friend?
What do they do and how do they do it?
Learn about training to be a Mckenzie Friend with the MASTERCLASS
This is a short overview of the MASTERCLASS course.
McKenzie Friend
Foundation Course
Train to be an accredited Mckenzie Friend.
- Module One
Train to be an accredited Mckenzie Friend.
Position Statements
Write your own Position Statements.
Writing a
Witness Statement
Write your own Statements.
Cross Examination and Evidence
Both of these are crucial in any Final Hearing or Fact Finding Hearing. Learn how to use evidence and cross examination in your case.
McKenzie Friend Training
- Children Cases
Train to become a Mckenzie Friend. This course covers Children applications.
McKenzie Friend Training
- Financial Cases
Train to become a Mckenzie Friend. This course covers Financial applications.
McKenzie Friend Training
- Final Hearings
Train to become a Mckenzie Friend. This course covers Final Hearings.
Litigant in Person
Training Masterclass
Learn how to navigate the courts and represent yourself.
Represent Yourself in the Family Court MASTERCLASS
Learn how to represent yourself in court properly.
Parental Alienation and High Conflict Cases
Two of the worst elements of divorce and separation. Understand them and how to manage them.
Enforcing a Child Arrangements Order (Detailed course)
Explains the process, filling in your application, your supporting Position Statement and presenting yourself in court.
Non-Molestation and Occupation Orders
Everything you need to know about either obtaining either or both of these prders, or defending yourself against them.
Preparing for Your First Children Case Hearing
Understand how to fully prepare for your first hearing and learn what to anticipate to avoid unnecessary delay and anguish.
Represent yourself in Children Hearings
Understand the full court process and download sample documents.
Represent yourself in Financial Hearings
Understand the full process and download sample documents.
Represent yourself in a Fact Finding Hearing
Learn how to manage these difficult hearings.
Can I change my Court Order, and how?
Court Orders may need updating to reflect the current situation.
Quick Tip, Can I take my children abroad on holiday?
See where you stand between a holiday and child abduction!
Represent yourself in Fact Finding Hearings
Understand the court process and download sample documents.